Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Fun

Parker and Christopher had a great time playing with bubbles. They also dyed eggs and had an Easter egg hunt, because we were in Beaumont TX for Easter. They has so much fun but 2 year olds sturggle a little with egg hunting Parker kept stopping to eat his candy, and Christopher was stealing Parkers eggs, it was cute though because he just thought he found a whole bunch of eggs in one place. They are good buds, it's nice to have a cousin your own age, especially a boy, they love to play and wrestle and do all sorts of boy stuff.
Well Easter was fun we went to our friends baby blessing in East Texas, which is right by Louisiana, so we got to experience so good ol' Cajun hospitality. We went to a Crawfish boil, and had Gumbo, and met some very interesting people. It was very fun.
Well we are still pregnant, I had an ultrasound yesterday and we have a baby with a heartbeat, we are 8 weeks 4 days, so we are almost in the clear 2 more weeks and I think i'll start to feel more comfortable. I go back actually in two weeks for more blood work and another ultrasound, I also get to cut back on my hormone therapy in 2 weeks which will be nice. So hopefully the 5th times a charm and we keep this baby. Thanks for all the prayers, I know they are making a difference. Love ya'll Nat


Alysha Sladek said...

congrats natalie... i pray everything works out for you guys. looks like parker had a blast. can't wait to see you again. ella and parker would have a blast playing together!
take care and keep us posted as to how things go. you're in our prayers!

Dad said...

Cool pictures!! Thanks for putting them up....Parker is dang cute.
It was good to talk to you last night.

Love ya'll

April said...

Fun Easter!!! Those are cool pictures and it looks like they had a blast between coloring, eating and hunting. I bet that was fun to experience Beaumont Cajun style life. I think Dad got into the southern thing with his "love ya'll" comment but we really do love you all and are keeping you in our prayers too. Love, Mom