Thursday, July 05, 2007

Fun in Canada with our Dramma's

All in all we are having a great time with Grand ma and Grandpa. Parker loves to follow them around and help with everything and always has lots of hugs and wrestling for grandpa when he gets home from work. I am wearing mom out painting and dejunking all the rooms down stairs, but it is pretty fun. After a long hard day Parker lounges in his chair for some mindless cartoons.
Here I am learning how to be a little more computer savy for my siblings, and talking to Craig.
Parker loves to help his "little dramma", especially when she's cooking.

Yummy cookie batter, this was so cute, but required a bath and laundry.
Parker has a great time playing with the boys I could hardly get him to come home with me.

Parker tries out the water slide, he was a little nervous the first time, then he got it.
They boys had a sprinkler under the trampoline, they had a blast.
Just eating an orange.
Milkshakes with the boys, they all had very cute milk-staches.
Parker and Nic enjoy a day at the Park.
This is Parkers stool if there is any cooking in grandmas kitchen he sits here to help. He love to help.
Parker was tickling grandpa's head, they both had a fun time.
just haning out
Grandpa trying to teach Parker how to play hockey,
Making puffed wheat squares....yummy.

Looking spiffy on Sunday, for Bishop Saunders